Thursday, June 02, 2005

Daily Show and Deep Throat

Crooks and Liars: Deep Throat and the Men who loathe him

It's been fun listening to all of RightWingNuttia gleefully smear Mark Felt, revealed as the famous Watergate inside source known as Deep Throat. There are some legitimate questions about whether or not Felt was pressured by family members to go public; but most of the bloviating is aimed at calling Felt names while avoiding the fact that without Felt's help, Nixon's horrendously corrupt administration might have been able to survive.

What has been unbelievable has been the corporate media whores turning to actual Watergate participants for additional smears of Felt. What asshole producer thought "let's get Liddy's view on Felt?" Lemme guess, Liddy hates the guy who helped make the political climate so hot somebody, aka Liddy, had to go to jail.

The Daily Show says it all, so much better than I can.

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