Friday, May 20, 2005

Amanda Used the "C" Word!

Pandagon: 1,346

My family will occasionally ask me what the Hell this blogging stuff is all about. One of the reasons is posts like the one below. Didn't I just mention that Bill Maher got fired for using "coward" in a sentence? With corporate media firmly under the thumb of wealthy Republicans (well, the WaTimes is under a wealthy Reverend,) I tell the family members that real, unfiltered speech really does exist out there.

"The Greatest Generation fought because they had to, and they fought invading armies with long, long track records of aggression. The Cowardly Generation made up some bullshit about what a country that had nothing to do with attacks on us might do in the future possibly if what we know to be true could concievably be true according to some outdated information and used that as an excuse to divert military resources into an attack on a country that didn't attack us."

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