Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Italy will not Sign Off on Report re: Checkpoint Shooting - Italy will not sign off on report

Anyone surprised? Look, even when we bombed Canadians the pilot was blamed and scolded (and a big fine, I believe) but no higher-ups had to answer for anything, and no one harshly punished.

Abu Ghraib, of course, was the ultimate. Yes, grunts are getting prison time, but those who authorized torture (all the way up to Rummy and Gonzales) get to skate.

These are Euro-peons. For the Bushies, they are only slightly better than Iraqis. If you've seen any footage from Iraq showing how we handle checkpoints, you can be sure:

we shot up the car hundreds of yards from the checkpoint, before the driver could determine where the bullets were coming from; and if there really were any warnings, they took place in mere seconds.

Frontline and other news programs have shown a few checkpoint "stops." It's always the same... Iraqis getting blown away from such a distance that only the cameras telephoto lens makes the car recognizable.

Only the lying and nastiness of men like Cheney and Rummy give credence to the popular (with Freepers, anyway) notion that Nicola Calipari was deliberately shot; but I'll be surprised if any evidence can be found to show the driver was reasonably warned in any way.

And once again, this is not necessarily blame for the grunts. I have no doubt the rules of engagement encourage dead civilians for even the most minute threat against US troops. Such is life when you voluntarily occupy another country.

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