Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Grassley Lies

Yahoo! News - Dems Rebuff GOP Pleas on Social Security

"'Those of you that are bad-mouthing every other suggestion out there, suggest your own plans,' Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, the normally mild-mannered committee chairman erupted at one point during the hearing. 'Doing nothing is not an option, because doing nothing is a cut in benefits,' he added. 'Grandpa Grassley gets Social Security, but my granddaughter, when she retires 56 years from now, if we do nothing, is going to get this cut that you're talking about.'"

I'm ashamed to say, having grown up in Iowa, that Grassley has gone from a fairly responsible right-winger whose main hypocrisy was winning welfare for his Republican family farmers (nowadays, he fights for corporate welfare, the family farm has been destroyed just as efficiently as Wal-mart nuked main street businesses) to a willing participant in the neo-con wingnuttisphere.

That's a shame, but I suppose lots of corporate whores know who pays their bills. However, part of the bargain always seems to include a requirement to lie, early and often.

While Chuck feigns outrage about the Democrats "doing nothing," completely ignoring suggestions such as raising the $90K wage cap, repealing the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2%, etc.; he also indignantly lies about who will be responsible for benefit cuts.

Why is this a lie? Won't "doing nothing" result in benefit cuts? Yes indeed, in 2056 if nothing has been done benefit cuts will be necessary. But if you join Chuck and Bush, the cuts start much sooner, last longer, and are more drastic!

So Grandpa Grassley most certainly will get his Social Security money, no matter how rich he already is. But the wailing he does for grand-daughter would only be made much, much worse if Bush's Social Security privatization plan is passed.

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