Thursday, March 17, 2005

US Oil Appetite will not be Quenched by ANWAR

Reading some blogs tonight, I was reminded of an even more poignant fact about the drilling in ANWAR for "national security."

Most Alaskan oil is sold overseas (to Japan in particular.) This is not, and has never been, about securing a domestic supply of oil. We are slaves to OPEC oil and will continue to be until we get a President who pushes conservation efforts over Big Oil giveaways.

NRDC Press Archive: Senate Puts Oil Companies First in Fight Over Arctic Refuge

"'Increasing America's energy security doesn't require selling off our natural heritage and letting oil companies despoil our last best places. Using better technology in our cars and trucks -- so they go farther on a gallon of gas -- would save more than 10 times the amount of oil in the refuge, and save consumers billions of dollars at the pump.'"

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