Monday, December 01, 2008


We lost our baby boy.

He was beautiful, and perfect, and early at 20 weeks. We love him, and he will be missed.


Anonymous said...

What did you do to your son you sick bitch! You child predator! I hope you go to hell for your sins! We all know you raped your son to death bitch! You are the devil. God will punish you accordingly for what you did to that little baby boy. You sick fuck.

Dale Overhill said...


My wife appreciates your sensitivity. You're a pretty sick girl to attack grieving parents after they lose a baby to placental infection. Total strangers have cried for us; you might be shocked at how high premature births are in this supposed "gold standard medical care" country [the rate has doubled in the last 10 years.]

While it breaks my heart, I take solace in the fact he will never, ever meet Republican Christians like you.

You really represent your cause, Alicia. You are the perfect poster girl for the modern conservative, the Righteous Republican, the loving Christian.

Keep up the "good works".