Friday, July 08, 2005

This is Fucking Embarassing

Daily Kos: Why Toyota chose Canada over Alabama/Mississippi.

The red (neck) staters continually refuse to spend any money on the education of their kids. Poverty is rampant in many areas of the deep south, yet Medicaid is underfunded and poorly administered.

In the blue states, health care costs are killing the American dream and the middle class.

Jesus Christ, folks, what is your major malfunction?! The Republican wealthy elite and Christocrats are stuffing your way of life down the shitter and all you can muster is a fucking "freedom is the march" chant and suckling Bush's dick?

"They got a $125 Million is subsidies from the Canadians. But that wasn't what sealed the deal, because several southern states offered nearly double the subsidies. What sealed the deal was the quality of education that their potential workers in Canada possesed."

If 2006 doesn't bring in a sweep of Democrats, I'll be embarassed to admit I was educated in the same schools as the rest of the unwashed.

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