Thursday, June 09, 2005

What I'm Reading - Best Essay in Months

d r i f t g l a s s: This from Mr. Gilliard

Every once in awhile you stumble upon an essay that rings so true, you are instantly forced to question some beliefs you've had for months or years.

This post from Driftglass blew me away, and I'm making a visit to his blog a part of my reading routine from now on.

I've always believed RightWingNuttia lies with glee, because the Agenda must be forwarded at all costs. So much of their platform: Social Security, estate tax, Iraq, attacks on our judiciary; any cursory examination of the truth finds much of their arguments based on complete falsehoods.

Driftglass has a much different argument as to why they lie, but his insight into the conservative mind just rocked me.

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