Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Rest in Peace

Schiavo Autopsy Shows Massive Brain Damage - Yahoo! News

I imagine the teeth-gnashing-wailing-dominionist-death-right Christocrats will now let Schiavo rest in peace, because she's lost all propaganda value to those vultures.

If you're shocked her brain was mashed potatos, well, say hi to SpongeDob Stickpants for me. The killer for all those liars who particpated in taking all dignity from Schiavo is the fact her brain's optic centers dissolved as well.

The girl was blind.

I'll bet Frist is wishing he hadn't issued his idiotic medical fatwah about now.

"The autopsy of Terri Schiavo backed her husband's contention that she was in a persistent vegetative state, finding she was severely and irreversibly brain-damaged and blind as well. The report, released Wednesday, also found no evidence that she was strangled or otherwise abused before she collapsed."

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