Monday, June 06, 2005

And I Feel Fine...

Apple to Switch Macs to Intel Chips - Yahoo! News

"Though the long-rumored transition will help the Mac compete against Windows PCs in performance and — potentially — price, the move poses big challenges for Apple, its software developers and users. In fact, past Mac chip changes have led to significant market share losses."

Well, this blows. I'm not hysterically opposed to a chip switch, we just had a switch from Freescale (MOT) to IBM for the G5 class. But I believe this spells the end of Apple in the long run.

With Intel chips, Apple hardware will be competing against the cheapest, most inane boxes ever built. If hardware sales drop, a significant portion of Apple's riches go with it.

Now, Jobs is probably insisting that Apple can protect their BIOS and prevent cloning. They've pulled it off this far; but I wonder. It just feels like Apple is going to soon become a software company only.

The iPod is X-factor for survival, but who gives a whoot? I love my iPod, but I need Mac OS X for my computing sanity.

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