Saturday, May 07, 2005

Suspicions McCain Was Whoring for Bush on Presidential Aspirations are True

McCain says he 'absolutely' wants to lead country

"McCain, who was defeated by George W. Bush in the 2000 GOP presidential primary, explained that he continues to want to be president 'because I think I'm qualified to help make the world a better place; I'm qualified for the job.'"

Conventional wisdom that McCain appeared with Bush constantly during the 2004 election cycle was that he was whoring for rightwingnuttia to improve chances at a 2008 presidential bid.

Well, turns out conventional wisdom is right.

"He also declared that the right wing of the GOP has become 'more accepting of me than they used to be - not accepting but more accepting - because of the fact that I worked hard for Bush's re-election.'"

And it also turns out McCain is a dumbass. Unless the neocons and American Taliban magically transform into reasonable beings in the next 3 years, there will be another Bush-Rove-like repeat of the trashing McCain took in 2000; including the highly effective smearing of his military service and his adopted child.

I'm neutral on McCain, but it still makes me ill seeing those pictures of him and Bush on the stump like good ol' boys, with Johnny knowing full well that Bush played to racists in South Carolina and whispered his child was illegitimate.

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