Thursday, May 26, 2005

Gitmo Generals Should Claim FBI Are Liars

This Modern World: They're Always Wrong

"You know who I mean: the ones who unthinkingly embrace every self-evidently propagandistic myth that comes along, be it about WMDs, Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman or whatever else."

I guess the theocons will soon be calling the FBI a bunch of liars who are causing death in the Middle East with their wild accusations.

Turns out there is a 2002 memo documenting a Gitmo inmate claiming a Koran was flushed down a toilet. The Pentagon says the claim is not credible on its face (translation: the memo makes us look bad), and they had the same interrogators ask the inmate if he really said it. I'll leave it to the reader to imagine how that interrogation went.

The Pentagon says the inmate would not (dare) repeat the claim, but can't say he retracted it, either.

Imagine, if you will, that the goons who carried out the torture policies at Abu Ghraib had not been so stupid as to photograph the abuse. Can you possibly doubt the Pentagon would still be denying that any such torture ever occurred?

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