Friday, May 20, 2005

Arizona Legislature Ethics Decline Further

KPHO Phoenix - Conflict of Interest for Some Legislators?
"... some state lawmakers are increasingly pushing their ethical limits.

Last year, Senate President Ken Bennett co-sponsored a bill that would have used state money to clean up leaking underground fuel storage tanks. It just so happened his family company, Bennett Oil, had a leaking tank."

Unethical legislatures are not an Arizona-only problem, I suppose. However, it is always disheartening when the dirty politics you suspect is going on at the capitol is proven true.

Here's what I find fascinating about this transcript. How many times do you see a politician presented anywhere, at any level, without their party conspicuously appended right after their last name? 1 out of 10 times? Never?

Maybe it's a KPHO policy, but I find it quite odd they didn't bother to print the Ds and Rs after each name. After all, don't we want to know which of our estimated state leaders are stealing from the kitty?

Aw, Hell, I'll do it for them. 8 legislators are named in the article:

6 are Republican. 2 are Democrats.

Oh yeah, 1 of those Democrats is named as the only one in the entire legislative body who recused himself from pending legislation due to conflict of interest. So make that 1 Democrat named as ethically challenged.

Only State Senator Jorge Garcia (D) did the honorable thing.

KPHO says they found 17 lawmakers feeding at the public trough; but I couldn't find a link to their results. If I was jaded, I might suspect that out of 17, a embarassing majority were Rs so party affiliation was left off the text.

But I'm not jaded.

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